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 Computer Security Review

What happens if your  laptop or smartphone was stolen? 

  • Can you replace the data? 
  • Can the thief steal your identity with the data on your laptop or smartphone?
  • Can someone in their car by your house and read the data on your hard drive or intercept the data you send from your laptop to the internet from your wireless network?
Here are some things you can do to minimize your security risks:
  • Password protect your computer and smartphone.
  • Have a backup procedure in place for all your data. Test the recovery procedure to make sure your backups are working.
  • Use the strongest encryption protocols your wireless router supports to secure your wireless router.
  • Encrypt sensitive data so that only those who know the key can read your data.
  • Make sure your computing environment has up to date BIOS, hardware drivers, operating system and application software patches.
High Tech House Calls has achieved a  Comp Tia Security + certification. We can review your home or small business computing environment and suggest ways to minimize your risk of security breaches that don't cost much money or don't require drastic changes on how you interact with your computing environment.

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Copyright © 2008 High Tech House Calls
Last modified: 12/11/09